The following is a full list of my programming-related accounts.

Accounts » Actively used

I am, at the very least, logging in to these accounts almost every day.
If you have questions or comments, please contact me!
I strive to respond to inquiries within 24 hours.


Service Name Comments
GitHub Hexstream

Please support me on GitHub Sponsors!

Twitter @HexstreamSoft

Mostly Common Lisp, programming, innovation.

Anyone can DM me! Feel free to do that.


LinkedIn hexstream

See my skills and accomplishments in some details.

Please join the Common Lisp Open Source group!

Keybase hexstream

Free and easy identity verification, encrypted chat, etc!

Please join Common Lisp chat!

Discord _hexstream

Discord beats the crap out of IRC...
(Too bad it's proprietary...)

Telegram Hexstream

Please follow the official HexstreamSoft channel!
A preview is available. There is also a discussion group.

Please feel free to add me as a contact!

Reddit Loginwallmenot

Reddit sucks shit, but feel free to message me if you like.

This account never publicly interacts as a matter of policy.

Accounts » Almost never used

I almost never use these accounts at this time, but I intend to use them again whenever appropriate.

Service Name Comments
Launchpad Hexstream

Many SBCL issue reports.

CLiki Jean-Philippe Paradis

This is a valuable source of quality traffic for me!
It's worth taking the time to make pages for your projects.

Accounts » Dormant

I have no intention of ever using these accounts again, but for some reason I can't and/or don't want to delete them either.

Service Name Comments
Hacker News Hexstream

I spent way too much time on there for a few years, many years ago.
I completely stopped using it years ago. It's too much of a timesink.
Warning: I think I might have said a lot of really stupid things there.

There doesn't seem to be a non-insane account deletion procedure.

Coderwall Hexstream

There doesn't seem to be a non-insane account deletion procedure.

Lobsters Hexstream

Lobsters sucks shit, just like the rest. (Nice modlog, though.)

Accounts » Deleted

These accounts are listed in reverse-chronological order of deletion.

Service Name Comments
Stack Overflow Hexstream

My first-time-user experience has left me thoroughly unimpressed.